Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ordinary Miracles

It's been awhile since I posted an Ordinary Miracles post (you could click here and/or  here to see a couple other ordinary miracle posts)

So here are a few:

A brother and sister who get along (at least at this particular moment in time ( ; ).

A smiley little girl who is not so smiley, but will be going to see the doctor tomorrow and will most likely be given a prescription for an antibiotic ~ that is an ordinary miracle for which I am VERY thankful.

A nest.  Which weeks ago only contained eggs.

And today, tiny baby birds.

All of these things are:


The everyday things that we don't always stop to see, to acknowledge and to be thankful for.

Today I wish you a day of Ordinary Miracles.


Jennifer Juniper said...

This is a great list of Ordinary Miracles! Love that bird's nest, we have eggs that look like that but it seems like the mama abandoned the nest this week. Could it have been our compulsive checking?

the treat girl said...

Don't you just loooove the day you check and there's baby birds in there???!!! Yeah!