
Sunday, June 24, 2012

S'more Time

What a nice weekend it has been.  After a week of leading Vacation Bible School games and the 200 kids a day I was ready for a little bit of nothing.  No softball tournaments, no baseball games, no plans.

Now I'm not saying we laid around all weekend.  Especially since I decided Smiley's room and the garage needed a good cleaning out.  But after cleaning all day yesterday, we spent some evening family time out on the deck, enjoying dinner, a few giggles, and to top it off, we enjoyed some yummy s'mores.

Ahh.... s'mores, sticky faces and chocolatey hands ~ welcome summer!


  1. what gorgeous eyes those kiddos have. visiting from the simple things

  2. Love all those adorable smores faces!! :)

  3. Is it weird that i like all the components of s'mores but not all together? Too dry or crunchy or something...

  4. I love s'mores! I'm actually doing a roundup of my favorite ways to make them tomorrow.

    I love your firepit in the background too!

  5. I haven't been visiting blogs for awhile. I've missed so many great posts by you, Wendy. I love all theses photos! You captured some great expressions. Love it!


Thoughts? Opinions? Something on your mind? I'd love to hear from you!