
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Down Time

We have been busy ~ softball or baseball every day or night for 10 days.  Sassy had a tournament last weekend and played 6 games ~ They were in the championship game when the rain started.  We're not talking a light shower.  I'm talking rain.  Thunder.  Lightening. Downpour.  It stopped after 15-20 mins, but the fields were a MESS!  The tournament director ended up calling the game in the middle of the 4th inning (they play 6 innings).  Unfortunately when they do that, they take the score of the previously finished inning which was 2-3, in favor of the other team. Second place was bittersweet for the girls.  They were playing so well.

This week, we've all been attending Vacation Bible School (VBS).  Sassy is in charge of a group of 5 preschoolers along with another girl, Action is participating, Smiley is unhappily attending the church daycare, and I am in charge of elementary games meaning I get to organize and "play" with 200 elementary kids on a daily basis.  It's fun, but can get a bit tiring.

After VBS, we rush home, eat a quick lunch and I get Sassy and Action to the local senior high for volleyball camp.  Both kids are loving it!  But, by the time they are done with that and either baseball or softball in the evening they are ready for bed and quite honestly

Tonight though, Action's baseball game was cancelled due to weather.  The kids went to bed almost on time and Hubby is away getting ready to participate in a golf tournament tomorrow.  The house is quiet.  And here I sit relaxing

with a glass of wine :)


  1. I love that photo of you--relaxing! Awesome :)

  2. Much deserved!
    The picture of Sassy at the game is awesome - I can just FEEL the readiness that she has in her for whatever is to come!
    If it ever stops raining, we will have to sit around a fire one night!

  3. Relaxing sounds good after all of that! lol You guys have a busy summer already! :)


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