
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Embrace the Camera

We had a little scare this week.

It had to do with tiny, little creepy crawlers.

We got a phone call on Sunday telling us that a couple of Sassy's friends had head lice.



These little buggers, bed bugs and ticks are 3 of the nastiest things ev-va!!!  In my opinion anyway!

So this week, we've done lots of this:

So far no sign of life ~ which makes me one VERY HAPPY MAMA!!!!

But I'm getting itchy just thinking about it again! Yuck!



  1. I'm a fellow embrace the camera But head lice...yes ick! I've done this a number of times since my daughter has been in school! It stinks...especially since their hair is so long and think. Happy Thursday!

  2. Ug! I remember getting them in middle school. What a pain but one more memory maker for the books. With Joy, Carey

  3. EEEKKKK!!!! I dread the day I receive those phone calls... I remember sitting in the bathroom for hours when my mom had to do my hair when they would have an "outbreak" in the school!!!
    Good luck... and now you have me itching too!!!!!!!

  4. I'm glad that you are lice free!

  5. I haven't had to worry about that, but you brought back memories of being inspected by mom when outbreaks would occur at school. Oh the agony! Glad you're lice free! :)

  6. oh man!
    we had a scare like that a little while ago. luckily no bugs here either. yuck is right! xoxo.

  7. Eek... Now I'm itchy. Good luck, I hope you guys stay lice free!! =)

  8. Oh no!! I remember my Mom having to pick these all out of my hair when I was younger and I hated it. Poor girl. Glad they seem to all be gone :) XO

  9. OH NO! I hope they are gone for good! Gives me the heeby jeebies just thinking about it.

  10. Love that you took a photo of this. I hope you don't have any little visitors - it would be terrible to get them out of that long hair.

  11. Ah! I hope you only have a few heads to look through! So sorry to hear about this struggle!

  12. oh no! a mom's worst nightmare!!
    ...especially with girl's hair!!


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