
Monday, November 1, 2010

Chalkboard Sign

Have you ever checked out the "As Is"  section at Ikea? 

You should.

Awhile ago I purchased this cabinet door for $2.50 ~ not know quite what I was going to do with it, but knowing I would make it into something.

I decided to make a welcome/message sign for my front entry.

First I sanded it and primed it (probably wasn't necessary, but I did anyway).
Then I sprayed the whole thing with 3 coats of chalkboard paint.

Once that was completely dry (or maybe a couple of days later when I got back to it ☺) I painted the outside edge red.

I "seasoned" it  ~ not by dumping salt and pepper over it either ☺~ you know rubbing chalk all over it and then wiping it all off ~

Stapled some twine to the back and hung it by my front door.

I had intended to hang it by a 3M hook ~ but it seems those little babies don't stick to my lovely vinyl siding ~ So I made my twine hanger longer and hung it around our light.

I have to say, I love it!!!

and for Halloween:


  1. This turned out great. Saw you on Polly Wan A Crafter. I will have to check out the As Is section at Ikea! I love doors.

  2. This is awesome! I bought a can of chalkboard paint a while ago and I'm always looking for stuff to do with it. i think I might pick up doors from ReStore and make some of these for Christmas gifts!

  3. This is such a neat project! I love that you used it outside... that was a great idea! :)

  4. Wowza!!!!!!! What a terrfic idea!! Great job, Miss...

  5. OMG, loving the Chalk board on the front of the house. I think I will use this idea. I have been wanting something, but not sure what.
    Thanks for the DYI.

  6. How neat! What a graet idea. I am moving to Alaska soon, so Ill have a blank canvas again, I will keep this idea in my back pocket. Thanks! :)

  7. I love it and I am totally stealing it for my house - the idea, not the sign.

  8. Absolutely adorable! You have really good ideas. Now I wish I had an old cabinet door.

  9. IT LOOKS AMAZING :) Way to go girlfriend! xo

  10. Beautiful!! It looks amazing! I didn't know that Ikea had such a section, but on my next visit there, I am totally going to check it out. Thanks for the great tip!

  11. I'm going to do this exact project with an old cupboard door I have hanging around. Thanks so much for sharing!


  12. I love the idea of a chalkboard on the porch! Yours looks great!

    Thanks for linking to the chalkboard party.

  13. I love the chalkboard!!

    And I had no idea that Ikea had an "As-Is" section. I will definitely have to check it out!
