
Friday, February 21, 2014

Ordinary Miracles (5)

I apologize, this post should have posted last Monday (like the Mondays before it), but it was not written.  It was a busy weekend, no school on Monday and before I had time to blink (aka type) Friday (today) arrived.  So here I sit, indulging in a beverage, with the Olympics playing in the background while I am remembering the ordinary miracles of the previous week.  

1.  I was asked to help out at Smiley's Valentine Party at school.  It was very fun to watch her interact with all of her preschool friends.  
(us, being goofy, just before going to her party)

2.  February is "I love to read month".  Sassy volunteered to read stories to children who called in to a phone number given out to children in our school district.  She read continually for 2 hours and said she can not wait to do it again next year.  Makes me proud to see her wanting to volunteer and contribute to her community.

3.  Valentines day ~ the kids had the day off of school.  I pulled a quick birthday party together for Action and his friends (planned it the day before).  I took Action, 3 of his friends, Sassy and Smiley to the Lego Movie.  We basically had the theatre to ourselves, except for one older couple (60ish).  Then we came back to our house for pizza and cupcakes ~ not to mention fort making and Nerf gun fights.

4.  My mom came for a visit.  While she was here only a short time, it was great to see her!

5.  Sassy had a big volleyball tournament ~ we spent about 15 hours watching or waiting to watch volleyball (in Sassy's case she was either playing, refereeing, or waiting to play volleyball).  Her team ended up 5 th  out of 64 teams.

Oh, and I must mention, Action had a blast hanging out watching volleyball ~

So these are a few of the Ordinary Miracles of my life and I ask you to look back at your week and think about the ordinary things, people, places or happenings that took place in your life.  The ordinary that is usually taken for granted, but if you think about it are miracles in and of themselves ~ snuggle time with one of your kids, a minute to yourself to do something you enjoy, a package in the mail..... 

Think about it, how would our perspective change if we chose to see our ordinary days as miracles that we should find wonder in and be thankful for.

(See Previous Ordinary Miracles Here)

Leave a comment and tell me, What Ordinary Miracles have you witnessed lately?

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