
Tuesday, July 2, 2013


(note ~ pictures are random, just go with it )

 (gorgeous blue teeth via a blue ring pop)

It feels like it's been forever since I've sat down to write an actual post.  I've written many in my head, but finding time to get them out in black and white has been a problem.  

(Action hitting a single)

A lot has been going on in my little world ~ organizing games for 200 elementary school kiddos for  a week of vacation bible school, driving 45 mins one way to get Sassy to pitching clinics, sports every night and weekend, job stress, and simply finding time to breathe and simply enjoy the kids whenever I can (after all it is summer vacation).  

(Smiley ~ passing the time playing in the dirt instead of watching the game ~ gone are the every other night baths ~ it has to be daily)

What I'm trying to say is my little blog here has definitely taken a backseat to life.  It's not that I haven't been making things ~ I designed a banner for Sassy's Fastpitch team for their State and National tournaments coming up later in July, I've created some fun chalkboard subway art for our home and as a gift for some friends (they haven't seen it yet), I've make a few cosmetic updates to our teeny tiny master bathroom, have redone Smiley and Action's rooms (except for a few accessories for Action), not to mention all of the recipes I've made off of pinterest (definitely some highs and lows there).  And it's looking like I may be transforming our guest bedroom into a home office and hopefully incorporating the guest part into it too. 

(Sassy ~ proud of her 1st place tournament win)

My camera has been gathering too much dust, I'm missing the weekly "Embrace the Camera" link up, as I rarely have any pictures of myself or hubby anymore.  I do believe the host of that link up stopped doing it, but I may have to revive it ~ so important to be in pictures ~ I personally love looking at old pictures of my parents alone, or with myself or my siblings.  To me pictures are such a treasure.

(Hubby playing catch with Action's baseball team)

Anyway ~ The fourth of July is almost upon us.  We've got some family and friend time coming up in the next few days and I am very much looking forward to a little relaxation.  We've got  two more fabulous months of summer vacation with the kids and I plan to enjoy them.  Hopefully I can get back here more consistently ~ I'm missing all of you!

(Action, just chillin' between Sassy's softball games)


  1. Oh sister, I hear ya! It's hard to keep up all summer, my Monday posts suffer the most even though I do so much all weekend I could be writing about! No time!

  2. I write so many different blog posts in my head daily and never find time to post them so I understand the feeling. It sounds like you guys are super busy. Good luck to all of the kids and all of their various activities.


Thoughts? Opinions? Something on your mind? I'd love to hear from you!