
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

What We're In To ~ 8 year old boy version

Today I'm continuing my "what we're in to" posts.  Yesterday I wrote about the things Smiley is in to.  Today, it's all about Action.

1. Ipod Touch
Action really enjoys his Ipod.  He listens to music, watches videos and plays games.  He saved his own money to purchase it and in his eyes, it has been worth every penny.

And a sneaky little addition ~ one of my favorite things ~ the Otter Box iPod Protector case we purchased for him.  After having his iPod for about 3 weeks, he missed his pocket and it fell onto the driveway, shattering the front.  We got that fixed (told the kids we would pay for one iPod repair each) and purchased a better, heavy duty case (he had a cheap one from somewhere) for him.  We ended up getting this one:

I can tell you that thing has been dropped since and you would not know it!  Love this case!

2. Ipod games
Two that his is currently in to playing are:


3. Titanic ~ anything
The boy LOVES anything to do with the Titanic.

He searches for Titanic documentaries on his Ipod Touch.  He draws pictures of the Titanic
And creates lego Titanic replicas (Seriously Lego people..... my son would LOVE an actual Titanic Lego Kit)

(the one above and the one below greet you as you enter Action's room)

4. Legos

Besides using his Legos to create his own version of the Titanic, he also loves playing with them to build other boats, planes and vehicles.  He likes to make little objects for his little sister to play with too :)

5. Kendama

This little wooden toy is fantastic for hand eye coordination.  He has a black one,  but now has put another one on his Christmas list.  And I know a few boys his age on my Christmas list who will be getting one of these.

Come back tomorrow for Sassy's list :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

What We're In To ~ preschool girl version

So with Christmas just around the corner.  I thought I'd give you a peek into our house and the "things" we are in to.  Maybe these will spark some ideas for you, or perhaps you can direct me to some new fabulous items along these lines.  If nothing else just be a fly on the wall and come see what we are "in to".

First up, our little preschooler, Smiley.  This little 4 year old is a girly girl through and through.  She loves pink (purple is ok too), sparkles and flowers.  Here, is what she is into:

1. Dress Up

You may recall when asked at school what she was thankful for, she replied "dress up".  The girl LOVES to dress up.  She loves leotards, plastic heels and fancy dresses.  A typical daily outfit will consist of a dress or skirt (tutu's being a favorite) however sometimes both are worn ~ at the same time.

2. Coloring
Smiley has always loved coloring, but as she gets older, her attention span is growing.  She will now sit at the counter and color and color, and color.  She is beginning to draw actual pictures.  Trees, people, flowers and other things that I'm sure are something :)

She is happy to color in coloring books:

or draw on plain 'ol "computer paper:
Some days she gravitates towards markers (and yes, I am a Crayola snob)

other days, she's all about crayons.

3. Headbands
The girl LOVES headbands.  These are her favorites right now:

details: left - right, top to bottom
* Gap ~ 1-2 years ago 
* maybe the $ section at Target ~ we've had this one for a long time 
* made by me 
* got a pack of these somewhere......
* $ section at Target a few years ago
* Claires ~ although they don't have this one on their website :(
* Made by me (never did a tutorial on this one)
* Not Sure.....
* This one was a gift 

4. Dora
She has always been a fan of Dora.  Last year I took her to a little Dora meet and greet.  Ever since, she's been asking me to "call her for a play date"  This year for Christmas she has her eye on these two toys.


5. Barbie
Smiley got this movie last year with a Barbie.
And it  has been an all time favorite! 

She is also liking Barbie The Princess and The Popstar.

She received the movie for her birthday and likes it, but says it's "scary" because there is a "mean mom".

6. Play Food
She has these sets from Ikea and loves making me food :)

7. And she's into the iPad.  She doesn't play it very much, but she likes this game:


Anyway, that's about it for now.  Come back tomorrow and I'll fill you in on what my 8 year old son is in to!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
Hope you have a wonderful day!

Be Blessed!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

My Favorite

This one totally got me ~ hook. line. and sinker.

Definitely has to be my favorite black Friday ad of the year!

So, do tell.... are you a black Friday shopper?
Will you shop on Thanksgiving?

Monday, November 19, 2012

10 Things


This is the season.  The season when we take the time to look at the "things" in our life and remind ourselves of fhose which we are thankful.  I know many bloggers and have many Facebook friends who through this month of November have been writing about one thing they are thankful for on a daily basis.  Some of them are simple, some of them are more complex all of them have their significance.

My bloggy friend Jennifer Juniper is hosting a party.  A thankful/favorite things party where we have been asked to list 10 things we are thankful for.  I think this is a fabulous way to kick off this week of Thanksgiving.

So, in no particular order 10 things I am thankful for:

1.  My Husband. He is the man I can tell anything to.  He loves me, supports our family, makes me laugh, plays, works hard and keeps me balanced.  Life without him in it would be dreary.

2.  My Children.  All three of them are unique.  They are loving and giving.  Their laughter is contagious and their sadness makes my heart ache.  They grow up too fast and I am trying to not get lost in the rush of life and finding ways to enjoy each and every moment.  Even if it is arguing with my 3rd grader over math homework (oh the stories I can tell his future bride).

3.  My Health.  I love to exercise.  You can find me running, spinning, or lifting weights on any given day.  Last Monday I slipped on a patch of ice and attempted to do the splits, much to the disagreement of my right hamstring.  I felt a pop and haven't been able to run since.  I know it's only been a week, but for me to not be able to run is putting a damper on my mood.  Running for me is my release, it's when I pray, when I think and when I plan.  I take it for granted that I can run and not being able to has made me very thankful for my health.

4.  My family's health.  We have no disorders, no major illnesses or injuries and for this I am thankful.  Action was up vomiting last Friday morning at 1:30 am and stayed home from school.  Sassy's body gave in to the same bug in the wee hours of Saturday.  So,  yes we have our bouts of scrapes and bruises and colds and stomach bugs.  But overall everyone is healthy.

5.  Church.  For me church is a place of peace.  A place I can go and feel peace, no matter what is going on in my life, the country or the world.

6.  My Parents, Siblings and the rest of my family.  We may not see each other a lot, but we can always rely on each other.  We challenge each other, frustrate each other and make each other smile.  How dull life would be without family.

7.  My Friends.  People to laugh with, cry with and to find solace in.  Friends can come in and out of your life.  But I believe every one of my friends was put into my life at the time I needed them most.  Sometimes people change, circumstances change and people move on, but their significance and the memories made are everlasting.  And isn't it funny how with the internet, you can be "friends" with someone you've never met them in person.  The world is a crazy place :)

8.  Clothes.  Yes, I am thankful for clothes.  I don't want to be naked and honestly some people, actually most people,  I just don't want to see naked.  'Nuff said.

9.  Food. Water. Necessities.  Could you imagine.... no food..... no water ~ or only unsanitary water?  I can't.  So for those I am thankful.

10.  Computers, Internet and Technology.  What an amazing way to connect with and meet people, to share pictures and information.  To learn, to research, to gather "facts" and I will absolutely admit, to assist with 6th grade homework.

There is so much more that I am thankful for, but these people and things are absolute.  Unfortunately, I don't always take the time to remember that I have clean water to drink, although so many don't.  That I have a sturdy home that I love (just realized my house didn't make my list!).  A house that provides us protection and warmth, but also a foundation to create and build traditions and memories.  Too many people in our own cities live on the streets and in homeless shelters wondering where their next meal will come or how they will feed their children.

I am blessed with so much and I am thankful.  And remember you can create better days for everyone you come in contact with ~ a smile given, a door held, an ear opened to listen, a simple "thank-you", the respect of putting down your cell phone when you are checking out at a store.  These little things can make someone thankful for you ~ for being in their lives at that exact moment.  Maybe you are exactly what they need on that day.

What are you thankful for?  Leave a comment here, or better yet, come up with your 10 things and link up with Jennifer (let me know you did!)

Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday Funnies

Here are a couple of the things that made me giggle this week ~

The other night  I made a new recipe for dinner.  It was some mexican casserole dish I found on Pinterest.  We said "grace" and began to eat.  This little girl:

Looked at me quite seriously and replied, "It's ok Mom, but it's kind of insipid."

Ummmmm WHAT?!  Little 6th grade smarty pants :)

Second giggle of the week.

Yesterday at preschool, each student was individually asked what they were thankful for.  Many children replied with the names of siblings or simply Mom, Dad or brothers, etc.  My lovely 4 year old daughter

Said she was thankful for "dress up"


What made you laugh this week?