
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Preschool Open House

This morning Smiley had open house at preschool.
She was excited to go.  Actually she woke up twice during the night and I wonder if that is the reason.

Anyway, she got dressed, requested her hair style ( "a braid and two ponies"), and put on her own socks and shoes.
Then she thought we needed to take some pictures. And I must say, she was being quite goofy!  But we did end up getting a decent one.

 (she was yelling "booger" in this one)

And we finally made it to open house where she had lots of fun meeting her teachers, coloring, exploring, and of course, having snack.


  1. Those are great photos! I hope she enjoys preschool.

  2. She is so cute! Love that sweet smile in the last photo. Looks like she had a fun day!! :)


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