Here's what I thought about a few of the things I've pinned.
"Sassy Water"
(Original via A Sweet Simple Life)
Stir Fry Green Beans with Shrimp and Garlic
This was yummy, easy to make, the ENTIRE family liked it, and YUMMY... oh wait, I already said that.... Anyway, I served it with rice and the only thing I would do different would be to make more! No really, I doubled the recipe and my family devoured it! Definitely a re-maker!
Strawberry Shortcake Cheesecake
I'll admit, I didn't actually make this. You see, last Friday was my birthday and one of my friends surprised me with it when she came over to celebrate. She was sneaky and checked out my "sweet treats" Pinterest board for ideas and this is what she decided on. I thought it was good. She couldn't find the sponge cake that the recipe called for, but used pound cake which was listed as an alternate choice. And, I'm not sure if she added the strawberry jam, or if it soaked into the cake and she made whip cream instead of purchasing "Cool Whip". Like I said, it was good and I think everyone else liked it as well. However, that being said, I think I still prefer my cheesecake and strawberry shortcake separate from each other. But, I may just have to try it again, just to be sure :)
Well, time for the question of the day..... What have you been pinning?
for some reason I don't like angel food cake, so I would have used pound cake too!