
Saturday, September 10, 2011

School and everything else.....

Last week...

The kids survived their first week back to school as

a fifth grader

and 2nd grader

and there were only 2 major homework meltdowns, as we began to once again find the balance between school, sports and enough sleep.

I began cleaning out our basement and donated 9 boxes and 4 bags of stuff.  And sold a set of speakers my hubby saved so hard to purchase in college.  The sad thing is so much more could/should go.

Two of four new appliances were delivered the rest come on Monday.  And this makes me REALLY want new cabinets.  But new window are first on the list.

Action had his first football scrimmage ~ first game will be on Monday.  His helmet and shoulder pads totally accent his teeny tiny waist and legs.  They play full out tackle and this is his first year playing.  He really wanted to, once practices started he wasn't so sure, but now he's growing to like it more again!

And now he is gone at his first friend sleep over (Ahh.... my little boy is growing up ~ anyone have a kleenex?).  Sassy is watching a movie, Hubs just mixed me a drink and Miss Smiley, who by the way took a scissors to her hair today......and of course she is to don a pretty white dress and grace a sure to be fabulous wedding as flower girl in two weeks, is on her way to be tucked into bed as soon as I hit the publish button :)

And so I'm off.....

Hope you are having a beautiful and carefree weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Cute little outfit on your 5th grader! Bet you are going to have a blast with football season. Always been scared of football but gotta say, seeing those pictures I think I would be a very proud MAMA. Hope you are having a great weekend Wendy!


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