
Monday, June 13, 2011

Not so crafty Monday

I feel like I should be making, sewing, or building something, but I'm not.

The kids' last day of school was last Thursday and we are trying to figure out our new summer routine.

I can say this, the garage has been cleaned out, laundry is being busted through, we have been to the health club, some shaggy little boy got a much needed haircut,



lunch has been served and now the kids are reading (my one daily requirement).

Maybe tomorrow I'll show you, tell you or teach you about something fantastic but until then, we'll just work on finding our "new normal".

Until then, here are a few pictures from our baseball weekend:

Professional ~

(Random Fact ~ I think I tear up every time I hear the national anthem)


7 year old ~ 

And actually, I do have something fun to teach you (even better if your kids are still in school ~ if not bookmark it for next year!) So..... come back later this evening!

1 comment:

  1. those eyes... (in the after haircut picture) wow!!! He is going to brake many hearts :)


Thoughts? Opinions? Something on your mind? I'd love to hear from you!