
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sort of Embracing the Camera :) and a raffle

Today is embrace the camera day, except, there are a few changes.
1.  There is no linky party
2.  I'm not in the pictures

Today I am embracing the smiles and spirits of my little ones:

What started off as this:

Soon evolved into this:


Did you know that Emily, the "embrace the camera" party hoster herself, and her husband are adopting a little girl from Ethiopia?
They are trying to raise some $$ to help them bring her home. You can help by "sharing the love" (click to read more details) Basically they have 5 FABULOUS bundles of goodies ~ all you have to do is donate $10 to enter ~ the more you donate, the more times your name gets put in the drawing.
Check it:
1 entry is $10
2 entries is $20
5 entries is $50
10 entries is $100
What are the bundles you ask? Click on each on to see the glorious goodies:

Craft/Hobby bundle
All Girl bundle
Home Decor bundle
All Boy bundle
Accessory bundle

You have until Sunday, October 17th MIDNIGHT to enter.

Anyway, don't forget to embrace your camera, and if you can, share the love :)


  1. What a great fundraising idea! I love the action shots, shown in a series!

  2. Fantastic fall shots! So cute and fun!! :)

  3. thanks for posting about this!

    love the fall photos :)


Thoughts? Opinions? Something on your mind? I'd love to hear from you!