We hosted a potluck for Sassy's softball team. Ah, the sound of adult conversation and children running around giggling, dodging the raindrops, squealing and just having fun. Music to my ears.
Waking up Saturday morning to the sound of thunder and the gentle pitter patter of the rain hitting my window.
And yes, the Skid Row song just popped into my head....
Woke up to the sound of pouring rain.
The wind would whisper and I'd think of you
And all the tears you cried that called my name
And when you need me I came through
Oh my... Loved Sebastian Bach back in the day (he hasn't aged real well)
Wow, that was a rewind to 8th grade. YIKES!
A lazy Saturday, a little shopping with my 2 girls, and then a baptism.
Darn stomach bugs.
A mommy "date" for donuts with Action and a relaxing day for me. Yep, while my hubby ripped out flooring ☺! More on that at a later date!
A fabulous... mostly picture free weekend of friends, mother nature, and rest ~ ORDINARY MIRACLES.
To protect my age I'm tempted to say Sebastian who? But, I'm with you girl! Watching him on celebrity fit club ruined him for me :(