
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I need your help.

I was working out at the health club this morning. 

Running and listening to my Ipod.


It hit me.

I could REALLY use some new music.

Can you help a girl out and suggest some new music to keep me motivated?

What do you like to listen to?


  1. Oh...I am soooooo not the person to be asking!! Everyone I know makes fun of me because all I listen to is Bruce Springsteen and from Dec. 1st-25th it's Christmas music!! I actually had my friend from the gym make me 3 CD's of random music to help me out...Good luck!!!

  2. My regular taste is so different from my exercise music taste! In real life I love the singer/songwriter types (Jazon Mraz, Maria Mena, Ingrid Michaelson, Colby Calait) but in the gym I want booty dance music! (Get Low, Apple bottom jeans, etc...)


Thoughts? Opinions? Something on your mind? I'd love to hear from you!