You know:
getting the kids off to school
loads and loads of laundry (I try to only do laundry on Monday's)
a few games of operation
some catch
a little vollyball
some reading
a little coloring
a sick baby that needed some extra cuddles
a grocery store run
12 dozen cookies baked
I hope you understand.
Anyway, enough of my excuses.
First of all, I want to thank you all for your lovely comments.
I would like to follow up with this. I do feel very fortunate that I have the opportunity to stay home.
It is a blessing.
I know many women who do stay home, a few that would love to be able to and others who have no desire to. Regardless of our jobs (in and outide of the home) we will always have things in our lives that:
~ cause us stress
~ keep us second guessing ourselves
~ make us wonder if what we are doing is enough
And as with all jobs some days will be better than others.
There will be failures and frustrations, but there will also be celebrations and appreciation.
Regardless of whether or not we are able to stay home with our children the most important thing that we can give them is ourselves.
“Make a memory with your children, spend some time to show you care; toys and trinkets can't replace those precious moments that you share.”
-Elaine Hardt
That quote at the end says it all, doesn't it? It's a nice reminder.