
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A little BLING for your front door

I saw a gold leafed monogram here on the blog U Create. I decided I had to try this.

Very simple and who doesn't need a little bling in their life?

Check it out.


Plain and Simple


A little BLING to dress up the door:

All I used was a wood letter, black spray paint (the directions said to use red for best results, but I didn't have any red spray paint on hand), spray adhesive, gold leafing, and sealant. There are kits that come with all of these things (except the letter), or you can purchase the items separately.

First you paint your letter, and let it dry.
Next, apply your adhesive ~ the spray I had took 5 mins to become tacky.
Then apply your gold leafing ~ I used gold sheets
Let dry.
Apply sealant. I did 3 coats allowing to dry at least 15 mins between coats (mine was a quick dry).

That's it.

Simple and it brightens up the door a bit.
Check me out here and lots of other fabulous ideas!


  1. I love bling. I'm all for blinging out everything and anything!

  2. So cute! The perfect touch to your front door. Great idea.

  3. Love it! It add's just the right amount of "flash"!

  4. Very cute! Small touch, but amazing what a difference it makes!
    pk @ Room Remix


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