
Thursday, September 24, 2009


Well, school is in session for the kids. We are getting back into a regular routine with after school activities, homework and earlier bedtimes. Life is good.

However, Sassy burst through the door last week super excited. Talking a mile a minute. I could only imagine something fabulous happened to her that day at school.

What was that you are wondering? Ooh, an all school fundraiser pep rally (yes, your are correctly reading my sarcasm)! And boy was she excited. I mean really, if you sell 3 items you get a Rubik's cube eraser! 8 items you ask? A Magic worm ~ you can even go online and see a demonstration of this fabulous thing!

Come on, what parent WOULDN'T want at least one of these at their house?

And that's only if you sell 8 items! 15 ~ free cookie dough, 35 a limo ride, 60 items... a trip to the money machine where you get to grab money and keep whatever you grab!

WHO wouldn't be excited about all of this?

Umm, ME!

I dislike asking family and friends to purchase this stuff. I mean the cookie dough is pretty good and super simple. There is some cute gift wrap. But now that we have 2 kids vying for prizes and striving for the money machine how do you keep it even and fair, all while trying to explain to your children that it really isn't about the prizes. Its about supporting their school!

Well, it starts. And we will support the school in this first of MANY fundraisers throughout this school year. Hopefully they won't be too disappointed with their Rubik's cube erasers!

1 comment:

  1. That's a hard one, I don't know how you keep it fair. I mean you can ask their friends parents. Or you just purchase something from both of them. I don't think there is a way to keep it fair.

    I hate fundraisers, If I were you i'd just go out and buy them an eraser and make a donation directly to the school, this way the school gets ALL the money instead of the school only getting a portion of the fundraiser.

    plus I think the donation might even be a tax right off, however I am not sure.


Thoughts? Opinions? Something on your mind? I'd love to hear from you!