
Friday, March 28, 2014

Yikes, We have a teenager in the house!

We have a running joke that comes up in our house around this time of year.
All you have to say, is "Are you sure you didn't pee your pants?"

See, 13 years ago, in the middle of the night, I got out of bed to use the bathroom.  When I stood up there was definitely some fluid running down my leg.  Since I was 39 weeks pregnant, obvious to me, my water had broken.  I woke up hubby, explained what was going on and his reply, "Are you sure you didn't pee your pants."  He has yet to live that one down.

Here we are today, March 28, 13 years later.  That beautiful baby girl, who made me a mom for the first time is now a lovely young lady, a teenager.  One who is loving, thoughtful, smart, athletic, and considerate.  Don't get me wrong, her room is usually a disaster and we've had our share of differences (she's been stubborn since day one!), but isn't that all part of growing up... figuring out your priorities and finding your individual voice and forming your own opinions?

These 13 years have flown by (still not sure how I'm old enough to have a teenager....) and I look forward to this next chapter ~ the good, the bad and everything in between!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Kitchen House ~ Book Review

If you are looking for a book to read, and are not looking for a fluffy, light read, this is one I recommend.   "The Kitchen House" by Kathleen Grissom.  Here is a copy of the review I gave it on Goodreads:

The Kitchen HouseThe Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was definitely moved by this tragic book and have found a hard time getting it out of my head. It is about a white Irish girl, Lavinia in the 1700's who, through circumstances begins living with the "servants/slaves" on the plantation of an American family. Lavinia comes to love her new family, even though her white skin sets them apart. Eventually, she is taken in by the "white" family. And, as she grows up, Lavinia is torn by love, family and loyalties. Though there are many tragedies, unspeakable happenings, and unbelievable actions, love and the importance of family shine through. The book is told through the points of view of Lavinia and of Belle, the "kitchen house" slave who (unbeknownst to the white family) is the master's illegitimate daughter. Although, this book is not a light read, I would definitely recommend it. It is one I will be reading again.

Have any of you read it?  What did you think?
What books do you recommend?  I'm always looking to add more to my reading list!

(scroll down to the bottom of the page to see other books I've read and review on Goodreads)


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Ordinary Miracles (10)

Did you have a good week last week?  I hope so!  Today I am doing a little reflecting myself, and remembering some of the Ordinary Miracles I was able to witness.  So many little miracles happen in our lives each day ~ a sunny day, a smile from a stranger, or simply being able to  spend time with a loved one ~  I was able to stop and see some Ordinary Miracles and I hope you were too!

Hubby's parents came up for a visit.  Typically when they visit, we have a schedule to adhere to.  We are usually cheering one of the kids on at one of their sporting events.  However, this time was different.  No agenda.  We stayed up late playing cards, slept in, went bowling, shopping, out for dinner.  It was a nice, relaxing few days.  
(We did cosmic bowling and all I had was my phone ~ and the pic quality shows that)

Hubby was out of town last week, traveling for work.  Typically when he is home, I wake up early (4:45am) and head out the door to get a workout in at our health club.   However, since he was gone, I worked out later in the morning.  I was running on a treadmill that faces the indoor track.  On the track there was an older gentleman walking who I would guess to be in his mid to late 70's.  I've seen this man before, and his resemblance to my late grandfather is uncanny.  Every time I see him I can feel a smile spread across my face as I am transported back in time.  It's like I can feel that my grandfather is with me.  Definitely an Ordinary Miracle.

I hope as you look back at your week and continue on this week, you stop and think about the ordinary things, people, places or happenings that took place in your life.  The ordinary miracles that are usually taken for granted.  

Tell me what miracles occurred in your life!

(See Previous Ordinary Miracles Here)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Ordinary Miracles (9)

Did you have a good weekend?  I do hope so!  Today I am reflecting on the last week and remembering some of the Ordinary Miracles I was able to witness.  So many little miracles happen in our lives each day ~ a sunrise, a smile from a stranger just when you need it, or simply being able to  spend time with a loved one ~  I was able to stop and see some Ordinary Miracles and I hope you were too!

We found out 1 week ago Sunday that our neighbor, who was also the father of one of Sassy's great friends passed away.  And while his death makes my heart hurt ~ there are so many Ordinary Miracles that take place when a loved one dies.  People come together to raise each other up.  He was honored at a beautiful funeral and we were reminded to love a little more, live fully everyday and to laugh ~ always find a reason to laugh.  We also remember the value of life, all life, and how short it is. Cherish these days ~ good and bad.  My prayers to this family (if you wouldn't mind, I'm sure they would appreciate any extra prayers from any of you).  

Spring is finally starting to show it's lovely face, but with all the snow we've had, and still do have (actually, it is snowing again today!) it can be a bit treacherous on the driveway and sidewalks with all of the thawing and overnight refreezing.  Unfortunately,  Sassy found this out first hand while she was walking to the bus stop on Monday morning.  She slipped and fell....HARD.  Gloves went flying, the wind was knocked out of her,  and she was left holding her head and trying to catch her breath.  We decided to go back into the house and assess her ~ she had a big gash on her chin ~ one that ended up requiring 5 stitches.  Boo!  How is this an Ordinary Miracle you ask?  First of all, I was with her.  I don't always walk with her, but decided to on this particular morning.  I can't imagine what she would have done had she been alone.  And, she didn't break anything, her teeth are all intact and since she just started wearing contacts 1 1/2 weeks ago, she didn't have her glasses on.  I am certain they would have been broken.  See, proof that not everything that happens is good, but it is possible to see the good!

Tuesday night we learned Action's baseball tryouts went well enough that he "made" a baseball team in the league he was shooting for.  Bring on summer, it's hot days and dusty fields!

And, like I said before, the slowly and sporadically getting warmer and we were able to get outside and enjoy ourselves a bit.  It was fun to watch Action help his sister on her bike.

And simply lovely to just be able to hang out on the deck.  I "caught" Smiley drawing and enjoying herself one afternoon while I was making lunch.

Anyway, I hope you'll look back at your week and think about the ordinary things, people, places or happenings that took place in your life.  The ordinary that is usually taken for granted.  Tell me what miracles occurred in your life!

(See Previous Ordinary Miracles Here)

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Ordinary Miracles (8)

I'm struggling lately with my  Ordinary Miracles Monday schedule.  Somehow the weeks fly by and the weekends go even faster!  But not so fast that I am unable to stop and enjoy some Ordinary Miracles!

Smiley didn't have school last week so we were able to spend lots of time together.  She never ceases to amaze me with her creative ideas and her growing intellect.  We spent a morning at the library, reading books and playing with different "toys".  She had fun spelling words with these tracing blocks:

Also, Sassy
found out that she made the "A" city fast pitch softball team.  And once again hubby will be coaching her team.  We are all looking forward to a fun summer season.

Anyway, I hope you'll look back at your week and think about the ordinary things, people, places or happenings that took place in your life.  The ordinary that is usually taken for granted.  Tell me what miracles occurred in your life!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday Funny ~ Frozen Edition

Have you seen the movie Frozen?  We saw it back in December and the kids have been singing songs from the movie ever since (which from the looks of youtube and Facebook, so have everyone else's kids).

Smiley loves and sings all of the songs from Frozen, but typically can be heard singing "Let it Go"

Let me note, Smiley sings!  Seriously, as I am typing she is sitting next to me singing "You and me baby we're stuck like glue."  She makes up songs, she'll sing a piece of one song and combine it with a verse of another.  There is noise constantly coming out of this girls mouth (when she's not eating something ~ the girl could snack morning, noon and night).  Here is a little video of her coloring and unconsciously singing "Let it Go" :

I have to admit,  I loved this movie and the music is great.  However,  after you hear it day in and day out, it begins to wear on you a bit and I admit, I have told her, "Okay, all done singing!"  When I heard this version on YouTube, I laughed and absolutely related:

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ordinary Miracles (7)

Happy Monday....Wait how is it Wednesday already?  Sheesh, time flies!  Anyway, I've been thinking back on the past week and reflecting on the beauty in my daily happenings.  The Ordinary Miracles.  I know not every day is a good day, but there IS something good in everyday! 

◆ Last week Hubby was gone quite a bit.  Out of the last 12 days, he has been home 4 ~ and that is piecing some together to equal one.  The days he was home, felt like little miracles.  But I had a lot of fun with these three:

◆ Both Action and Sassy had try outs for their spring/summer sports ~ baseball and softball.  We haven't heard how they have done, but they both left tryouts feeling good about their performances.

◆ The weather was cold (lots of negative numbers), but since the sun is coming up later (until we spring forward next weekend anyway),  I was able to witness a few beautiful sunrises on my way home from the health club.

◆ Sassy made chocolate chip muffins for breakfast.  Is it just me, or do you find food just tastes better when someone else makes it?  These were quite yummy and it felt like an ordinary miracle to see her in the kitchen with her little sister following her every move.

Anyway, I hope you'll look back at your week and think about the ordinary things, people, places or happenings that took place in your life.  The ordinary that is usually taken for granted.  Tell me what miracles occurred in your life!