
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Weekend of Pictures

We headed out of town for a long weekend at our friend's cabin.


We did.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Something to think about Sunday

Talent ~ a special natural ability or aptitude (

Have you see this?

The Lord has made each of us unique.
We all look different.
Act different.
Have different abilities and talents.

Take a look at yourself.
What abilities and talents has God given you?


Are you using those gifts?

How are you using those gifts?

Are you bringing smiles to others?
Are you teaching others?
Could you be doing more?

Couldn't we all be doing more?

Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday Funny


A business man got on an elevator.
When he entered, there was a blonde already inside who greeted him with a bright, “T-G-I-F.”

He smiled at her and replied, “S-H-I-T.”

She looked puzzled and repeated, “T-G-I-F,” more slowly.

He again answered, “S-H-I-T.”

The blonde was trying to keep it friendly, so she smiled her biggest smile, and said as sweetly as possibly, “T-G-I-F.”

The man smiled back to her and once again, “S-H-I-T.”

The exasperated blonde finally decided to explain.
‘T-G-I-F’ means ‘Thank Goodness It’s Friday.’ Get it, duuhhh?”

The man answered, “‘S-H-I-T’ means ‘Sorry, Honey, It’s Thursday.’”

So Glad it IS Friday!
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Always thinking...

Just thought I would share a couple of cute ideas Sassy and Action threw out to me recently:

Action is taking golf lessons.

He is really enjoying himself and always seems to be toting a club around.
Yesterday he was practicing his swing with a plastic club in the house ~ no big deal ~ right?

Well, not until he found a hard, yellow, foam golf ball.

He decided practicing his swing wasn't good enough.
He needed to practice hitting the ball.



he hit the window.

No damage done ~ thank goodness it was foam.

However he had an idea.

He stated ~ very matter of fact,
"Mom we need to get rid of our windows and put walls up instead so I can golf in the house."

Hmmm.... Maybe not?

Now on to Sassy....

I try to have Sassy read for at least 20 minutes everyday.
Which is not asking much because she enjoys reading.

However, yesterday she really didn't want to. She really wanted to watch TV.

She presented me with a wonderful solution.

She told me she would just turn the TV on mute and read what they were saying. She would even do it for 20 minutes.

Now what mother would not go for that?

Me either.

She went to her room and read for at least 30 minutes.

Silly girl! But nice try!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

There Here......

Yikes ~ a got a little scare the other day when I walked into the kitchen!

Didn't the cupboards all fly open at some point in the movie Poltergeist?

I was beginning to worry that a ghost had taken up residence in our house.

Fortunately, the cabinets were just about all open, because the little monsters... um I mean kids were searching for a snack.

Thankfully no ghosts! But next time ~~ Umm, shut the cabinets.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

We Survived

Yesterday was a magnificant, muggy, Monday and we attempted to enjoy ourselves and stay cool.

So... We decided to hit the pool with friends. It was a good time had by all!

All smiles at the pool.

Goofing off

Hurry get it before it melts!

Too sunny to open his eyes!


Wiped out and ready to go home.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Weekend Recap

We enjoyed another nice weekend.

Unfortunately, I did not take any pictures so I have no new ones to post! I know BORING!

Friday night we had some friends (a family of 5 and our wonderful priest ~ who I've mentioned before is leaving our parish soon) over for dinner ~ grilled pizzas and salads. Of course, I couldn't decide on what to make for dessert so I made a couple of choices: chocolate cake (as seen here previously) and one of my honey's favorites, peach cobbler. Everything was delicious and the company was delightful! The kids played, the adults chatted, Father pulled a game from his trunk to play with Sassy (She will miss him and keeps saying, "Mom, I sure wish Father didn't have to leave. But it will be good for him."). Soon Friday turned into Saturday and everyone decided it was time to head home.

Saturday was a day for getting things done ~ lawn mowed, car washed (thanks honey!), a little shopping. But evening rolled around and my honey and I went on a MUCH NEEDED date night. We had a new babysitter come over for the kids. They enjoyed her and gave me the A-OK to have her come again! Yeah, more dates! After we got home a couple of our neighbors came over. Another fun night of friends and not enough sleep!

Sunday ~ Fathers Day: Not much of anything ~ church and relaxation. The day was warm, windy and drizzly. My honey did get a little golfing in though!

And now a new week~ Watch for and ENJOY the simple everyday miracles!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Something to think about Sunday ~Father's day

Father's Day

Today I would like to say thank you to my husband. Thank you for all that you do, all that you sacrifice and for the love you give. You are not only my husband and father to our children, but you are a FRIEND and a DADDY!

We love you!

Happy Father's Day!

A song to you from your girls:

And Action says, "Thanks for taking me golfing! Love you!"

Happy Fathers day to you Honey, and to all the other fathers out there,
Especially the ones in my life:

My Dad, My father~in~law, and my Godfather (uncle D).

Lots of love to you all and have a glorious day!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Big Brother

Action is such a good big brother.

Smiley adores him, and usually lights up when she gets him in her sights. But today, she just felt like cuddling with him.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A makeover

I have always disliked these bar stools. .

When we bought our current house the previous owner left them here (I guess he didn't like them either). However, they weren't too bad until Action took a pencil and decided to poke holes in the seats. LOVELY!

Since they have sides, they work well for the kids for now.

A bonus: they are pretty comfy (just ugly).

Ok enough said.

Now to the make over....

I headed to the fabric store the other day on a mission to find fabric to make curtains. Which I did not find (for those of you wondering). I did however find a great deal on some vinyl that was the same color as the leather couch in our great room. Perfect for the stools in our kitchen! So I set to work ~ actually pretty easy work at that.

Pulling off the old vinyl.

Measuring out the new.

Pulling, smoothing and stapling it on.

And Voila ~ a makeover!

Why did I wait so long?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Softball Snacks

Recently I had to bring snack for Sassy's softball game. Hope Studios blogged about some baseball cupcakes she made for her son's team and I loved the idea. I followed the box for the cupcakes, but for the frosting I used a tip from Hope Studios and added 1/4 cup whipping cream to the store bought frosting.

The finished product: (the P is for Panthers)


The girls LOVED them (as did the parents)!
Oh, one more thing....
After last night's game, Sassy's team is still undefeated! Way to go girls!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Weekend Recap

This weekend we enjoyed our first camping adventure of the season (yes, we sleep in a tent).
We met up with some other family members and had a great time!

Action sleeping in ~ past 6:30 anyway!

Sassy got a little chilly.

We did some boating.

We played at the beach.

We enjoyed being with each other.

We even roasted a few marshmallows!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Something to think about Sundays

Do the people around you know that you love and care for them?

It was a little over one year ago when a tragic accident took the life of someone our family cared about and loved deeply. She was a wife, mother, daughter, a teacher, she was exuberant, she was funny and loving. She was too young.

It is written:

Matthew 24: 36, 42-44

"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him."

If you are like me, after accidents and tragedies strike, you remind yourself to show and tell your loved ones how much you do love and appreciate them more often. You try to live your life a little fuller and a little more righteous. We hug a little more and a little tighter not wanting to let go.

However, as time goes on and the shock and pain begin to fade so can those thoughts. But the Lord is Great. He has a master plan. We do not know when he will call us or someone close to us to come home to him. So today, as I reflect on an amazing women who is sure to be making people laugh in heaven.

I am asking you one question:

Do the people around you know that you love and care for them?

and giving you one challenge:

Love them and show them everyday.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Teacher Gift

Sassy wanted to make an end of the year gift for her teacher. This is what we came up with:

Tissue Paper flowers (in a handpainted "vase" filled with chocolates):

colored tissue paper ~ you use 9 circles for each flower
cup or bowl with about a 4 inch diameter do trace
pipe cleaners
empty can (whatever size you want)
acrylic paints
paint brushes
chocolates (or whatever you want to use as filler)


1. Trace your cup or bowl onto the tissue paper (since you need about 9 circles for each flower we stacked them so we only had to trace one).

2. Cut out your circles (leave them stacked so you only have to cut once).

3. Take one pipecleaner and poke a hole through the center of your 9 circles. Then fold the top over so it doesn't slip out of the tissue paper.

4. Loosly gather your petals up and wrap pipecleaner around the bottom of the flower.

5. Gently seperate the "petals" and twist a bit to form your flower.

6. Repeat for as many flowers as you want.

7. Paint any design or pattern you want on your can (Sassy painted bees ~ as her teachers theme for the year was "busy bees") using your acrylic paints.

7. When the can is dry, put your flowers in and fill with chocolates (or whatever you wish to use) to hold them in place.